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When is the best time to plant trees?

When should you plant your trees?

It is recommended to plant trees during the winter months, and are therefore less likely get damaged. Tree planting season runs between November and March, though it can last more throughout Scotland in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

We offer single trees as well as small tree packs in our site all year long because they come with their own compost plug to keep them safe and can therefore be planted anytime.

We do not recommend planting more trees outside of the season because it could result in higher losses Therefore, our large-scale planting projects are only available during the season of planting trees.

As soon as your trees begin to grow

Place the trees upright and shielded from wind and frost. If the roots look as if they’re drying out you can lightly spray them with water to keep them moist.
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Before planting the trees, make a note of the exact location where each tree will be placed using stones, spray paint or canes
If the area you are planting is overgrown Cut the grass down and pull out the weeds. This will make planting easier and will reduce the your water consumption, allowing your saplings grow.

How much room do trees require?

We recommend trees are planted around 2 metres apart, however, you can plant them anywhere between 1 and 5 metres depending on the space you have and your plans. The natural look of wavy lines is more appealing than regimented rows of trees. If you’re planning to plant a single hedge, space your trees about 30cm apart. If you want a strong hedge make sure you plant the trees in a double row in a zig-zag design. Set your rows 50cm apart and with 40-45cm space between each tree.

Pit planting

We recommend pitting your trees as it is more thorough and ensures your trees have better contact with the soil. It’s appropriate for all kinds of soils in particular areas with drought, but it could be difficult if you live in sandy soil.

For planting a tree, you’ll require a spade, a tree clearly, a spiral for protection, canes to support that spiral and somewhere to place it.

The first thing you’ll have to do is dig yourself an opening. It doesn’t have to be wide, but it should be deep enough to take all those tree roots. Make sure you’re not putting your soil too far because you’ll need that once more in a moment.

If your hole is large enough, remove the tree and pull it toward one side. This I find is the easiest method to accomplish this because you can see how deep it is within the hole. Also, all of the tree’s roots are covered, and that’s the most important element.

It is important to firm up the soil. you can make use of the sole of your boots to do this and make sure that all the air gaps are closed. It should be smooth and solid – you don’t want frost getting into the soil later on.

When you’re certain it’s solid, give it a slight squeeze and hopefully it’ll remain put.

The next thing you’ll need is your cane. You’ll need to put it in just next to the tree, but not too close as you do not want to push it through the roots that you’ve just nicely planted.

Finally, you’ll need to take your spiral, unwind one end, and then tie it around the cane and tie it and the tree. Then , slowly wind it up until it reaches the top, making sure you do not harm your tree as you’re doing it.

It’s not easy so you might take some time, but you’ll be able to master it at the end. You need to lower it to the ground for maybe just a centimeter just to make sure that there’s no way for vermin to get under it. Ring bark the tree. And that’s all there is to it.

Slit planting

This is an easy technique that’s suitable for grass and soil that is bare. It can be easier than pit-planting if you’ve got stony soil.

Step 1

The spade should be pushed deep into the ground. Then push it forwards to create a slit. Make sure it’s deep enough to accommodate the tree’s roots.

Step 2

Keep the slit wide with the spade. Then, place your tree inside by using the root plug about 2cm beneath the surface.

Step 3

The spade should be removed and pushed the soil around the tree.

Step 4

If you are using tree guards or spirals for protection of your saplings it is now the time to install them. Put the guards firmly to the earth.

T-notch plant

T-notch planting is another quick method that works well for grass-covered ground, but not necessarily bare soil. It is an alternative to pit-planting in areas subject to drought, however it is not recommended for areas that have clay soils.

Step 1

The spade should be fully pushed down into the earth.

Step 2

In a straight line to the first cut, repeat the step 1 in order to create a T-shape.

Step 3.

Make sure you take the spade to the first cut, then lever it upwards, parting the turf.

Step 4

The tree should be placed carefully between the turf pieces.

Step 5

Bring the spade back in and the grass will settle. Ensure all roots are taken to the ground.

Step 6

Adjust the tree until it is level with the ground, and thoroughly firm down soil around the tree.

Ten Tools You’ll Need When You’re Planting Trees

No matter whether you’re planting some of the most elegant shade trees or purchasing an orchard that is full of fruit and nut trees, planting trees needs a wide range of tools to get the job done. By armed with the appropriate equipment will ensure that the task runs smoothly and gives your trees a strong start.

If you’re planting your first tree in spring or waiting until autumn to take advantage of milder weather this checklist of the 10 essential tools for planting trees will make sure you don’t miss one of the most important aspects of the job:

1. Wagon

They are heavy, especially those planted in large pots. They aren’t something you want to carry them for long distances, therefore having an appropriate wagon (either hand-pulled carts or a larger tractor-pulled tractor trailer) can help you carry the trees straight to their holes without breaking your back.

Tractor-pulled trailers can also be useful for hauling the rest of your tools for tree planting.

2. GPS Receiver

If you pair it with tape measure (see further below) along with graph papers, the GPS receiver can assist you to identify the best place for each tree, allowing you to envision your orchard’s future even when the trees are young.

3. Shovel and Spade

These tools, such as a shovel that can scoop dirt and spades for breaking the sod and cutting through the soil, will help you quickly and effectively dig the wide, deep holes needed to plant trees.

4. Digging Bar

There’s a possibility that you’ll run into huge rocks while digging holes. And if you’re like me, once you’ve chosen the perfect location for your tree, you’re bound and determined to dig the hole regardless of any obstacles you might encounter.

Digging bars can help to lift heavy boulders into the earth.

5. Bucket

If you’re pouring loose soil on the sod around your holes, it will be hard to get it up again after the incident.

Instead, you can dump the soil into a huge bucket, which will keep things tidier and save you time as you backfill the hole. A different bucket could be used to keep rocks.

6. Tape Measure

Instead of estimating how deep your hole is and hoping they’re correct, measure the height and width of the rootballs which you’ll be planting to make sure that your holes match perfectly. Make the holes several inches deeper than necessary, then backfill the bottom with soil until the tree sits at the correct height.

This will make the soil more pliable for roots to enter at an early stage.

7. Utility Knife

It isn’t easy to take large trees out of their containers. Although I like keeping plastic pots in storage to be used again I’ve discovered that the most effective solution is to cut several sides of the pot with an utility knife, then remove the tree this way.

The utility knife could also be used to slice through overly crowded roots growing on the outside of the rootball in order to promote growth in the direction of outward growth.

8. T-posts

If your trees appear to be spindly or crooked in their growth, staking them with a T post will support them against the wind which will help them grow straight until they’re large enough to be able to stand on their own.

It is also possible to install T-posts in the trees for support of a welded wire fence for protection against hungry deer.

9. Fence Post Driver

T-posts aren’t very helpful without the ability to set them up. A manual or gas-powered fence post driver can swiftly put them in place.

10. Tanks or Water Jugs

The newly planted trees require plenty of water. Bring with you a water source to give them a nice watering after planting. For more information visit

If you’re near an irrigation system, it’s perfect. If there’s no water source, water jugs or tanks can be transported via wagon to further locations. I have a 35-gallon leg tank to water trees in my orchard, and am pleased with the results.

Have fun planting!