Buying a new property isn’t just a straightforward transaction. To find the ideal home for you and your family there are lots of things to keep in mind prior to parting with your hard-earned money and the process of viewing is vitally important.
If you’re not certain what you should look for when buying a home, our easy guide will provide you with concerns – and might save you both time and money. So, if you’re looking to start, we’ll begin with point number one:
Check ahead before you go in
A quick swoop over from street level is something that a lot of people forget when viewing a property. You’re probably not going to be close enough to inspect the roof, however, you’ll be in a position to tell if tiles are missing, or worse!
Also, you can determine if the roof appears like it’s brand new when you compare it with other properties. Newer roofs, if properly constructed, are not just a good sign when it comes to being able to avoid costly repairs, but they can also lower the cost of insurance.
Watch out for cracks that are obvious
While a survey will show the most serious issues, it is possible to uncover clues by yourself without the need to hire a surveyor before you have to. Look out for big cracks in the walls or ceilings, especially around those areas that are under pressure or could get away from the main section of the property.
Check around bay windows, close to extensions if they are present and the wall at the end of the patio If applicable. Small cracks, sometimes called hairline, are normal. However, larger, more pronounced gaps may indicate trouble, so be sure to take note of any that you see.
A surveyor’s fee may seem like an expense you would prefer not to pay for However, they can be worth the price of gold – especially in older homes. To learn more, take a look at our homebuyers guide to surveyors.
Any signs of damp?
Damp is to be avoided whenever possible, as removing it and then repairing the damage caused can be an extremely costly affair. Use multiple senses when checking for damp. Don’t only depend on your eyes. be sure to keep your nose open as well. Sometimes it is possible that the smell will be able to conceal any hint of moisture before you see it. Don’t ignore it at your own peril.
Visual clues can be obvious however, it is important to look closely at a room, both in the middle and at the top. Ceilings and skirting boards are often where damp will first show itself, so take note of these areas, specifically on walls of houses for sale Colne that face the outside.
Don’t be deceived by a lick of paint
Even though a house that has been recently decorated will always look better as compared to a dirty and dull older room, it’s essential not to be swayed by it. Paint can hide numerous sins, and it’s worthwhile to consider the reason a space was recently decorated.
A structural or damp issue are concealed for a while by the smallest of strokes which is why it’s worth keeping in mind when you look at. While you might not want to don the overalls yourself but a little bit of decoration is much more appealing than tackling the bigger issues which may lurk under the fresh application of the paint.
Make sure the plumbing is in good working order.
Every pipework that you see must be examined for signs of water leaks or water damage. Examine your kitchen cupboards under the sink and run your hands across the pipes to be sure that everything is fine. Bathrooms that are older may have exposed pipes to look at. Give them more than just one glance.Make inquiries regarding the age of the boiler, if it is regularly maintained, and if it is still covered by warranty. Newer boilers tend to have less moving parts which is why manufacturers have extended their warranties in many instances and it’s becoming common to find boilers that come with warranties for up to 7 years. It’s therefore important to be aware of your position in relation to this crucial appliance.
Make sure you check the drainage in the outside area and any other pipes that are outside, or taps. Check that everything is in good condition and that the water doesn’t pool within the middle in the area, should there be one. Give the guttering a look also.
Examine the electrical system.
With increasing numbers of people having a plethora of devices electrical problems are unfortunately, becoming increasingly prevalent. Wiring that is old can be hazardous and costly to replace, so check out power points and any wiring that you come across while you’re looking around.
Also, fuse boards can be an indication of electrical system’s age. Does it look out of date to you? If it appears from another age it is likely that the wiring is well.
Is the house a money pit?
The cost of heating is rising constantly, so it’s a good idea to inquire about the insulation you have in your home. A well-insulated home can have a dramatic effect on heating bills as well as the way you’ll feel whilst living there. Examine the attic to determine whether insulation has been put in and also check the water pipes for lagging, all will help lower your monthly expenses.
Double glazing can also help keep heat from escaping during winter season. Take a look at the windows to see how modern they are , and whether or not they’re going to need replacing in the near future.
Sufficient storage?
We’ve all got stuff we’d rather keep out the way, yet many do not think about the storage options in a property during a viewing. Be sure that there’s enough storage space to meet your requirements as it’s usually impossible to add more at a later date. Modern homes are generally less than older properties So be cautious in examining a newly built home.
Listen up
A lot of older homes lack quality soundproofing, specifically terraced homes. Some sellers are clever enough to feature a radio or TV running while you’re watching to block out the neighbours next door’s noise. You can ask them politely if they’d be willing to lower the volume while you look at the surroundings.
North, East, South or West?
Checking to see which way the property’s face is essential to keep in mind, particularly if you are viewing in the winter when everything seems slightly hazy. South-facing homes get more light than north-facing ones, and can be quite a bit warmer, too.
A bright, sunny room is far more appealing than a dark , dim one. So be sure to whip out your smartphone’s compasses when you’re viewing. Keep in mind that the sun sets in the west while setting in east making the west, south-westerly and south-facing rear gardens more favourable.
When you’re finished with the house, make sure to check out the area
It is essential to know what’s in the house as well as the contents of it. If you’re just beginning to get acquainted with the area make sure you take the time to explore the area and look for any potentially problematic stuff. Is there a pub nearby which could draw people to your street at night? What are the schools local to you? Do you have easy access to public transportation? What’s the access to roads like? Does the property back on railroad tracks? Are there stores within walking distance?
All of these things as well as many others should be taken into account before taking your ideas to the next stage.