Multiple Listing Service, also known by the MLS, is a centralized listing system that allows licensed real estate agents and brokers across Canada to access thousands of properties.
Both buyers and sellers will find the system beneficial. These are the benefits of an MLS system for your next real estate adventure.
The MLS is the best tool for sellers. An MLS listing can provide all the information a buyer needs about your house. This system allows agents to search for homes within a specific price range and feature combinations that appeal to them. The wide variety of the MLS system allows you to marry your home and its new family in less than a minute.
Zone In
Your salesperson can access many homes in varying price ranges, styles, and situations as a buyer. Your salesperson can use the MLS to help him or her narrow down properties that would best suit your needs. You don’t need to waste time looking at homes with two bedrooms when you have four. You need a property that can generate income. An MLS real estate listing would include all of this information.
Exclusive vs. MLS
The MLS system’s cornerstone is getting sellers the best exposure for their properties, which could be crucial in attracting more buyers. If you are selling, the demand generated can be very beneficial for you. You can also make it fair if you are buying.
If a realty agent asks you to only list your home, that means he/she won’t be listing it in the MLS but will market it independently. His or her agency will represent all potential buyers. Your agent will be the sole agent to bring potential buyers through your home, regardless of how long you have agreed to an exclusive listing.
An exclusive listing might be the right option for you, depending on your circumstances. Ask the agent you are considering working with about the reasons behind exclusive listings and what success they have had.